CE marking
CE marking is mandatory for certain products defined by Community Directives.
Those are products manufactured in member states or products from the third countries whose destination is in a country of the Community. CE marking means that a certain product complies with requirements stipulated in relevant directives.
Graphic form of the marking is given and it cannot be changed. CE marking must be affixed to the product, its packaging, instructions for use or to a warranty card. CE marking must be affixed visibly, legibly and indelibly. At the same time, the product must not bear any similar or interchangeable marking.
Procedures to assess product conformity
- Module A: Internal production control
- Module B: EC-type examination
- Module C: Conformity to type
- Module D: Production quality assurance
- Module E: Product quality assurance
- Module F: Product verification
- Module G: Unit verification
- Module H: Full quality assurance
Examples of products to use CE marking
- Construction products
- Machinery
- Toys
- Simple pressure vessels
- Electrical equipment
- Medical devices
- Personal protective equipment
Why to assess product conformity with us
- We provide technical assistance to set up a testing plan
- We have a possibility to perform conformity assessment ourselves
- We have long experience in many different fields
- We have a whole range of laboratories to test your products
- We have experts to verify product parameters by theoretical calculation or by assessment of technical documentation
- We can help you get special certificates that meet special requirements for specific products in certain countries
Benefits of CE Marking
- You will obtain the internationally recognized product marking
- Compliance of product characteristics with respective directives
- Possibility to place your product on the Community market
Choose a certification
CE Marking for Construction Products
Assessment of Construction Products
Steel Structures EN 1090
Requirements for Steel/Aluminium Structures
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
Directive 2006/42/ES on Machinery
Conformity Assessment of Machinery and Certification of Machines
Recreational Vessels
Recreational Vessels
If you want to learn more about conformity assessment of your products, please contact us. We will be glad to guide you through the entire process.